In this article, you are going to learn how get SSH working between your Windows PC thru Putty and your Raspberry Pi with RetroPie 4.1 installed.
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Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
What you’ll need
- Your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address
- Putty
- Raspberry Pi 1, 2 or 3
- 8GB MicroSD Card
- RetroPie 4.1
Getting Your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address
Log into your Raspberry Pi.
Log into RetroPie.
Go to the “Configuration” Menu.
Scroll down to “Show IP”
Your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address will be shown, copy it down as we’ll need it later.
Download Putty
Go to to download Putty.
Click on Download: Stable.
You’ll be presented with a few options, but the one we’ll be using is the MSC (‘Windows Installer’), click on the first link from left to right to download Putty.
Installing Putty
Once the download finishes, open your downloads folder and click on the file.
You’ll be prompted with the Putty installer, click on next and follow the instructions on the installer.
Connecting to RetroPie
Open Putty and write your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address.
Click on “Open”.
Log into RetroPie. (The deafult username is pi and the passowrd is raspberry)
SSH Conection Tutorial Finished
Congratulations, you’ve just conected your PC to you Raspberry Pi’s RetroPie installation and that’s it for this tutorial.
Could you do it by yourself? Did you had any problems to connect your PC to your Raspberry Pi’s RetroPie installation? Have any suggestion? Then leave a comment below